Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Throwing down the gauntlet

Did you know a gauntlet was a glove? Neither did I. I always thought it was a sword or something. Either's a challenge.

So....I've been stuck inside the house a lot lately with the cold temperatures and wintery weather. Normally, I enjoy this time of year to cuddle up with a book and some tea and hide from the world for a little while, but this year as I mentioned before I'm feeling a bit more overwhelmed. I have a feeling it has much to do with the state of our basement. Flylady always says that you can't sleep well with storage or clutter under your bed, and I'm feeling that way about our whole house right now.

The basement has become a dumping ground for everything and anything. I feel like it is my underbed storage keeping me from enjoying the rest of my (reasonably) tidy house. So with spring cleaning around the corner, I've decided to tackle winter decluttering first. There are a lot of things in my basement that shouldn't be there. They belong in the trash or at Goodwill, but month after month, year after year they get moved to a new house and find a new storage spot. I'm finally tired of it.

So this month's challenge (notice how I'm starting it on the 4th of the month....nothing says organized like a last minute idea! HA!), is to get rid of one thing each day from my basement. Large or small, a big deal or an easy toss, I'm going to post each day for the rest of the month to tell you what is leaving my house.

Join me, won't you? And leave a note in the com box about what you're tossing for the next 24 days.


Denise said...

Just to get us started, I'll tell you what I tossed last night....
1. old puzzles
2. a eye-filled potato from the pantry section of the basement
3. an orange juice squeezer we've never used in 11 years of marriage.

See, now I'm all caught up for the first three days of the month. Wonder what I'll pitch today :-)

The Crew said...

I like the fact that you threw out a steps:)!! Today I am going to move the sack of "clothes to be given to Goodwill" out of our closet and onto Goodwill.