Tuesday, February 17, 2009

tuesday afternoon

Ugh. Not only do I have huge messes in the house to contend with, but I've been spammed with the best of the bloggers by the Chinese Character Spammer. If somehow, I passed this on to your blog...I'm so sorry.

Looks like the biggest pain is just deleting the spam. But really. What a pain.

So, apparently I can't post everyday. Even just posting one item a day, left me behind. But honestly, reading one item I've tossed isn't exactly Pulitzer material.

Good material to write about though....One of my Godson's had a birthday this weekend. Turned 3 and is getting too big, too quickly. Happy Birthday Little Man!! And my newest Godchild was baptized. I couldn't be there to hold her in my arms...but I was most definitely there in spirit.

Plus a dear friend in Maine had her third son last week.

So yeah, junky spam and a junky basement....but beautiful babies all around!

1 comment:

tania said...

selah is beautiful!!