Tuesday, February 10, 2009

At that point where it feels hopeless

but I know it isn't.

The basement challenge has only been on a week and I've already crashed and burned. I try, really, I try to a little every day, so as not to burn myself out.

But I just don't think I work that way.

I work under pressure, with deadlines, up all hours of the night.

And then I get exhausted, promise myself I'll be more organized next time and then proceed to avoid "big projects" until I'm backed into a deadline again.

You'd think I'd learn.

But then again, you'd think I know by now, that's just the way I am. I'm not sure if I should just accept my slacker ways, or if I should try and work on learning a new trick....all I know is the basement is still a disaster area and I want to stay up all night to finish it. But I know I should keep plodding along, one thing at a time.

Ideas? Advice? Words of wisdom from a reformed procrastinator? A good joke? I'll take anything at this point :-)


Barbara said...

Bribe yourself to do a little at a time. Rewards, my dear!

tania said...

wish i could come up and tackle it with you! for some reason i like these projects. (i am good at getting rid of things, i guess)

grab a latte, play some good loud music, and think about the end result of feeling so much lighter/ cleaned out when it is all done :)

side note: we really miss you guys! today, i was remembering the visit where you got us yummy lobster rolls from that church kitchen!

Anonymous said...

I can remember when Francine and I were roomates at school and we would let our room get really bad until the only way we could clean it was take EVERYTHING, including furniture, out of the room and clean it when it was empty and then put it all back in order! I don't think you could do that with the basement, but it was our way of procrastination and then doing it all at once! Don't give up! Maybe you can convince a girlfriend to help.... and the dads could take the kids somewhere, it would make it easier, like when you and Gina did ours.......love ya!