Saturday, September 02, 2006

Midnight rant

You know....there are many different blogs out there that I've gotten "hooked on"---and by hooked, I mean I read them daily or at least several times a week. Several of these blogs are written by moms and involve the sharing of what's going on in mommy-world. Most days I get a good laugh from at least one of them. Sometimes its just an update on family life and sometimes there are things to be learned.

But I have noticed that for the most part, bloggers are editors.

We may write about a lesson learned or a cute thing the kids are doing. Heck, there may even be examples of them being not-so-cute. But I haven't really read a post where the kids are having one of those days. You know the ones, where they try your every last nerve. Where they are testing each and every limit, Where they push and push and even though you know, somewhere, some good will come of all this, right now, at this very minute, you cannot possibly see it. And you're just done. Finished. Over it. Stop the world, wanna get off and all that.

Nope, not too many posts describing what exactly the kids did to get you to that point. Not too many posts describing one of those days and how it feels.

How utterly exhausting and frustrating and maddening one of those days can be.

And all of that got me thinking. Surely I'm not the only one having those days on occasion. And moreover, what am I doing to contribute to the ugliness of said days. Both topics that would be worthy of more of my time...but really... what I'm doing to contribute to the ugliness, is not getting enough sleep.

And staying up writing about all this, isn't helping in that department in the least.

And so I'll think more about self-editing in blog-land, and I'll think more about how I can help avoid those days, but I'll do it later.

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