Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Name Game

Just to let everyone into my little world. This is how we've named the boys. For a variety of reasons, I like using their nicknames on here instead of their given ones....of course for those of you who know them, its helpful if you also know their nickname :-) so without further adieu-

Sparky is my oldest, who turned 5 in July and started Kindergarten today! He's been "Sparky" around our house now for almost a year. Something my husband called him once that seemed to fit his personality and just stuck.

Catfish is our Number 2 Guy. He's almost 4 (3 and 3/4 to hear him tell you) and was named Catfish because of his willingness to try just about anything food-wise at a young age. LOVES sushi and salmon, blackened fish and salsa. Of course now he's getting pickier, but you never know, he's always one to surprise you.

Roomba was thus christened because he didn't crawl he scooted. And not only did he scoot, but he would throw food down from his high chair, hide it, and scoot around later retrieving it. Acting, if you will, a bit like the roomba vacuum cleaner. Now that he's 16 months old and walking, we may have to look into a name change. More on that to come.

Happy reading!

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