Sunday, October 07, 2007

The dangers of a working computer

My computer is running smoothly still hiccups here and there, but for the most part, laptop life is good.

The downside of this....I haven't

Reading to my children....nuh-uh
Meaningful conversations with my spouse....ehhh, not so much

On the other hand-

Fantasy Football....winning
Ebay auctions....watching and waiting
Housing listings....searching
Email, blogs, itunes, amazon, local news, yahoo groups, ohhhh the list goes on.

Ok...really now. I feel like I've been at an all you can eat internet buffet. My pants are too tight, my eyes are glazed over and I feel bloated.

So I know my posting has been slow, but since I have been a computer glutton the past few days, I think everyone in my family would agree, I need to take a day or two off and remember what the word moderation means.


Vivi said...

house listings? Does that mean that you know where you're going???

Denise said...

we think we know...but i'm not telling just yet. Soon...I promise!

Barbara said...

I'm glad you're back - that was rough!