Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Looking for something

It is one of those gray February days that makes winter seem unending. And while we aren't getting blasted by a snowstorm, we are expecting ice and sleet, which makes me want to curl up under the covers and hide for a few days.

I want to hide from the unorganized stuff still lining the hallway, from the piles of laundry that never go away, from myself.

I'm not trying to have a pity party here, just being honest. About 99% of the time, I'm pretty happy-go-lucky, but there are days where I just feel blue and blah. Most of us have those days...whether we admit it or not. I know even the saints had their days.

It is, however, when I wish my fairy godmother would swoop in and stock the freezer with home cooked meals, clean the floors and send me to a remote beach for a few weeks (where I could lounge around with margaritas and a few good books....a girl can dream can't she??)

We haven't been sleeping well around here, I'm pms-y, I haven't been praying as often as I'd like (or writing for that matter), so I realize how everything contributes to my funk. I'd just like to know what the first step is in walking toward the positive.

My needs and wants.....an orderly house, well-mannered kids, help with the daily chores, time to think/reflect/pray. I don't need perfection, but I do need something more than I've got right now.

I do have a loving husband, a strong faith, good friends, a roof over our heads and food to feed us.

I have too much in so many ways, why is it that on these gray days it still feels empty?


Michelle said...

I can recommend a maid in your area. A clean house always makes me happy.

Don't worry, spring comes soon in that region. One more month. And in 4 months, you'll be longing for autumn.

tania said...

you are right... we all have those days! maybe a nice chat on the phone with a good faraway friend would help ;)

miss you! i'll be giving you a call xo

nicole said...

I can definitely understand what you are saying. I feel that way more often than I care to acknowledge. One thing that seems to help me is to just get one thing done and not worry about the rest. For example, I have a sink full of dishes needing to be put in the dishwasher right now, and I know getting them in there will help me feel like I got something done today. Good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Michelle. Have someone come in just for the day.

And do not feel guilty. You are allowed to feel blue. You are on duty 24/7! Dig out that book you've been meaning to read and veg...as much as possible with Tre at home ;o)

Denise said...

Thank you all! I appreciate your kind and practical words. Sometimes it helps to know your friends all understand where you're coming from!

Feeling better today...still a bit grumpy, but not wallowing, just letting it be ;-)